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Everything you need to get your business started.

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How it works

Step 1

Sign up & Create Workspace

Sign up to create your account. After creating your account, you will see all the packages and create a custom bundle suitable for your business needs.

Step 2

Choose Your Products

Browse available packages for Ucraft Next, Hoory, and FastexVerse, choose a package for each product, and create your bundle. The checkout page will display the discount percentage based on your bundle price. Complete the checkout process by entering your card details.

Step 3

Talk to Your Agent

Enjoy a 14-day trial of the Dream package to test your selected products. The package price will be charged after the trial. Benefit from a dedicated agent for seamless workspace setup during onboarding.

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What is included in Dream Package?

Contact Support

Dream Products


You should choose minimum 2 products

eCommerce Website

AI Customer Support

Metaverse Room

Dream Support


You should choose minimum 2 products

Project Setup

Account Manager

24/7 Customer Support

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Package Deals

Get better deals by adding more than one product!

Individual products are available for purchase through our dashboard. However, if you opt to acquire two or more products, a discount will be implemented on the overall price, providing a more advantageous option for users.

How does the discount work?

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If the total monthly subscription cost is below $70 and includes at least 2 different products, you are eligible for a 5% discount on your entire package.

10% Discount

Applies to bundles with at least 3 products


If you choose at least three products, you are eligible for 10% discount on your selected package.

15% Discount

Applies to bundles with package price of at least $70/month


If the total monthly subscription cost falls between $70 and $100, you qualify for a 15% discount on your selected package.

30% Discount

Applies to bundles with package p of at least $151/month


If the total monthly subscription cost exceeds $150, you'll receive a substantial 30% discount on your selected package.

Let’s create your Dream project together!

Let's build your Dream project together. Explore the Dream Factory today.

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